About Us

Meet Emma…

I am a lifelong student of movement…

From Cirque du Soleil performer and elite athlete to healing practitioner and embodiment teacher, passion and curiosity have taken me all over the world. My extensive training and exploration in acrobatics laid the groundwork for a deep and personal understanding of the mental, physical and emotional impact of learning to move the body. Over 15 years of experience coaching has taught me the deeply revealing nature of movement, and I found it is necessary to coach the mental or emotional state beneath a movement pattern as often as the pattern itself.

After leaving the stage I sought a new path, diving deeper into what moves us as humans, and how we move. In this pursuit I spent time training with many wonderful teachers from experts in health and wellness to medicine women and shamans, exploring healthier ways of living and being: learning to listen to the guidance of self and the body and dive into freedom of expression.

This is an ongoing lesson, an agreement, and a path.

We are all our own primary teachers. When another offers us something it is our willingness that allows us to receive healing. The body is an incredible gateway, to get to know, grow, and heal ourselves. It is communicating with us at all times, my mission has been to learn to listen, express, and enjoy the body, and help others to do the same.

We are here, now, in this body. Let us discover how we can move, play, and enjoy.



Movement is not confined to the movement of the body. Thought is movement, feeling is movement. Our energy moves us, as we move it.

All life is dependent on movement.

Stagnancy causes most of our physical, emotional, and psychological pain. Movement is the medicine for stagnancy whether it be movement of thought, emotion, or the physical body.

Many of us are living lives that force us to compartmentalize ourselves in order to fit the needs of the moment. This coping mechanism creates an internal schism, making it nearly impossible for all our needs to be met and creating a lack of continuity or flow of the self. This in turn becomes stagnancy and pain. The longer we remain this way the more likely we are to lean on dissociative tendencies and addictions to get us through our day to day.

The opposite of stagnation is… Movement! Moving the body and expanding our beliefs of what we are capable of is an extraordinary way to shake up our reality, and even open us up to being more confident, present, and attuned in our experiences of life.

But moving the body is not the only way to reclaim what we are…

. . .

in this rediscovery of moving through life with embodiment our world opens up,

and we open up to it.

Unleashing Embodiment

The liberation to experience yourself fully, fearlessly, and safely in your skin, in this world.

Embodiment goes beyond movement. It is how we breathe and rest, it is the place where physical movement comes from. When we move from a place of presence, of fullness, and integrity even “negative” emotions and experiences can be expressed in a way that is beautiful, that teaches us and others how to be more alive, more accepting, more human. 

Embodied presence moves the world around us, making our life living breathing expression of art.

Movement Ellipsis

Mission Statement:

Embodied living is a way of offering our commitment to moving through the world with an open heart, with integrity, with boundaries and respect. When we interact with the world and others in this way every interaction we have can be healing for all those involved. And regardless of our movement history and training, the way we move becomes an expression of an integrated self, which is beautiful to live and to witness. Our goal is to offer wholistic experiences that expand our perception of what it is to be here, to be in a body, to heal and to live.

We wish to live integrated, peaceful, joyful and exiting lives. We believe we are all in this together, sharing this life, world, and learning experience. Our collective curiosity and joy in learning creates an environment of mutual growth healing and exploration. No one person has all the answers, but we are dedicated to healing and do our best to share our practices and experience with an open mind. If everyone owns their own experience, their own joy, pleasure, pain, their own body, this world will be a better place to live for all of us.

Our Teachers and Practitioners are carefully selected. All exhibit qualities essential to this work: integrity, ingenuity, efficacy, authenticity, attention and care. With a focus on adapting to the needs of the individual or group and putting the power to heal ones self back in their own hands. We are here to work out how we can all move, learn, and heal together.

Contact Us. . .

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