Unleashing Embodiment

The liberation to experience yourself fully, fearlessly, and safely in your skin, in this world…

Embodied presence moves the world around us, making our life living a breathing expression of art.

Embodiment goes beyond movement. It is how we breathe and rest, it is the place physical movement comes from. When we move from a place of presence, of fullness, and integrity even “negative” emotions and experiences can be expressed in a way that is beautiful, that teaches us and others how to be more alive, more accepting, more human.

I am not here to be your guide. I am here to help you learn to be your own guide. To explore the dark corners of your own reality is one of the most rewarding, and terrifying journeys to embark on. I am here to assist in your journey, and offer tools that will ease and help the process along.

With love,


Embodiment is the process of learning its safe for us to return to our body, and live and experience our life fully moving from a right minded place, resting in and expressing through the body.

Explore Embodiment. . .

Work one on one with Emma to learn how to be more present for yourself. To reclaim your body and your presence within in. The goal is to put yourself back in your care, your happiness, pleasure, joy in YOUR hands; how to care for you. How to create a relationship with your body that allows you to be here now, feel safe, free and full in your expression. It is a living breathing relationship and as with all relationships it is a journey. The more clear our communication with our body is the more we can care for and hold ourselves. The more we can hold ourselves the more we can find joy even in the midst of challenge. We are all on a journey of learning and growth in this body, here we are dedicated to accepting, deepening, and allowing that curriculum to unfold with minimal stress and resistance, and maximal enjoyment.

Each program is highly personal, some people may need to start with action, some with stillness. It all depends on where you are, and what your feeling.

Practices can include ideas and concepts from a variety of teachings including but not limited to

  • Taoist Practices

  • Tantra

  • Movement Practices (dance, strength, flex)

  • Psychology Anatomy and Physiology

  • Kinesiology

  • And more… We meet you where you’re at

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Still Curious?

We understand, More information below…

To embody is to accept, deepen, and allow

A process of embracing and understanding what it is we resist teaches us where we lost sight of ourselves, where we divide ourselves, where we tell ourselves we are not enough. This division causes us pain, and pushes us toward escapism. Since our body is our first home in this world, and the only one we take everywhere we go, if we cannot be safe, rest there…

…We flee.

Reconnecting to the body is a very personal process, each person will have their own unique starting point and journey, we work with tools from many disciplines and schools of thought to bring ourselves to a space of accepting ourselves

When we open ourself in this way we feel more pleasure with less effort. This is the process of accepting embodiment. Embodiment is not becoming attached to to body, what is offers, or the image it shows. Rather it is the process of becoming united and present within the idea of a body; undistracted, attentive, and awestruck we elect to witness life. The deeper we sink into this presence the more we understand nothing can shake us from our sense of life… save our choice. 


Sensuality has long been conflated with sex and sexuality, and therefor hidden from the public eye, we are taught we must unlearn how to feel and enjoy ourself. In the act sacrificing pleasure and sometimes to attempt to regain it we also create a mirroring addiction to it within the shadow of our unconscious mind. This addiction has a staggering impact of every choice we make, and so even when we think we are actively moving towards pleasure, we are actually deepening our sense of separation from it. In doing so we give it undue power and control over our unconscious minds, and the shape of our life.

A relationship of cat and mouse begins where we are both us and neither wins.

As we heal the division within we become more honest with ourselves creating a sense and experience of integrity of being.

Integrity is our natural state, one of wholeness that disallows lack. A state of openness that allows and creates pleasure. Reshaping our lives and our experience of life. As we learn this we unbind pleasure, and it can become unlimited, and freely manifesting in anything. No sex required (though that often improves as well…)

This is what we desire. To be whole, to hold ourselves with love, in integrity.

One of the first things we give up, and grasp for, is pleasure…

When we let go of what we think pleasure is and control of what it looks like we discover...

…Pleasure is unlimited

Relating to Pleasure

To focus only on pleasure, has a similar effect to that of its exclusion. When we disown or numb an emotion that numbness becomes like and infection… it spreads and unchecked it runs rampant. Eventually becoming so ubiquitous we cannot feel ourselves, what is good for us, in essence we lose our connection to guidance and presence. Often in an effort to feel, we push ourselves blindly towards pain, not knowing what it is we want. When we understand our pleasure and the breadth and depth of it we understand it is not limited to sexual experience. By setting it free in this way we are released to experience it more.  We let go of our expectations of pleasure, and have the opportunity to find pleasure in everything, with this guilt may dissipate. When we discover we have much greater access to pleasure than we thought, we can begin to let it go, and in turn receive it more fully.  The expansion is so great we recognize we never knew what or where it was to begin with. 

Experience a new way of relating to the body. Release limitations on self perception and open up new paths to move yourself through the world.

This body can be a gift or a prison, we have the power to chose which.

Contact Us. . .

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